Martin Fineberg Retirement

Martin Fineberg or Marty, as some know him, has retired from his practice of law, after some 42 years. Retirement was a very difficult decision to make, but it was a decision that had to be made for several reasons, one being his failing health. Marty has been an associate lawyer with the firm since it’s inception in 1981when he joined Brian Mosher and Reid Chedore in their newly formed practice.
Throughout his time as a lawyer, Marty gained experience, thanks to the tutelage of Brian and Reid. His law practice saw him practicing in many areas of law, including real property, corporate and commercial, family, criminal and administrative law. He has appeared before many administrative boards, Provincial Court, Court of King’s Bench, the Court of Appeals of New Brunswick, and the Supreme Court of Canada. He was also elected, by his peers, to the New Brunswick Law Society Council. He also served for many years as a member of the law society’s Compensation Fund Committee, making recommendations to the Law Society Council on whether applicants qualified for compensation.
Active in the community, he was a member of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Board of Directors, the Preservation Review Board of the City of Saint John (now the Heritage Development Board), and later became its Chairman. During his tenure there, the lighting ornaments in King Square and around the City during the Christmas and winter months were designed and still displayed to this day. He was a member of the board appointed by Saint John’s Council to make recommendations to it, for the design and construction of what is now TD Station.
As an avid sportsman, he excelled at snow skiing, water skiing and hockey. He was President of Water-Skiing New Brunswick when the Canada Games were held in Saint John in 1985. He played hockey for many years in the City Gents Hockey League and was it’s President for a period.
He was Vice President of the Vito’s Allan Cup Senior AAA national champions as well as the President of the New Brunswick Senior AAA Hockey League, serving when a new Constitution was drafted and agreed to by the member teams. An avid motorcyclist, he is the current President of the Quispamsis Motorcycle Club.
Marty thanks Brian Mosher, Reid Chedore, and other lawyers with the law firm, in particular Shelley Courser, Brian Delaney and Kimberly McCurdy for their never-ending support over the past 42 years as well as all of the legal assistants who have helped him over the years. Without them and their professionalism, legal services would not be able to be provided.
Marty is forever grateful to all of his clients, for placing their trust and confidence in him. He truly loved assisting them to the best of his abilities.
During his retirement, Marty plans to spend more time with his wife, Stephanie, his children, Nick and Erin, and his friends. As an avid motorcyclist, he hopes he will be able to ride more frequently.